This is the second part of the Avi GSLB Integration with TSM Global Namespace (GNS).

(1) Environment:

  1. Two TKGs cluster running on VMC on AWS SDDC: vmc-tanzu-c001 and vmc-tanzu-c002.
  2. A demo application have been deployed in the k8s default namespace across the said 2 clusters
  3. Avi works as DNS server for domain:

Let us start the global namespace creation wizard

(2) Setup

1: General Details

GNS name and associated domain:


2. Namespace mapping

Set up mapping rules to define the services included in this global namespace. You can select multiple namespaces across multiple clusters in different locations, e.g. “dev” namespaces in two public clouds and on-prem cluster.


3. Public Service

Define the services available to the public, e.g. via a public URL. I use as the domain name for the demo app.


4. GSLB & Resiliency

Define health checks and High Availability (HA) for public services in this GNS. All settings (LB method: round-robin and health monitor) in these steps will be translated Avi GSLB config.